星期六, 1月 28, 2006

Mission almost impossible


Step 1 1000 usd... passed


For ECFVG program purposes, the passing score on the computer-based TOEFL is 213 with at least 25 points in listening comprehension (section 1); the passing score on the TWE (TOEFL essay section) is 4.0; and the passing score on the TSE is 50. The passing score on the new internet-based TOEFL is 80 overall, with at least a 26 in listening, a 17 in writing, and a 26 in speaking;

For ECFVG program purposes, candidates choosing to take the IELTS MUST take the academic IELTS. The passing score on the academic IELTS is 6.5 (overall band score), with at least a 6.5 in the listening band, a 6.0 in the writing band, and a 7.0 in the speaking band

Step 3 NAVLE www.nbvme.org

candidates must provide proof of attaining a passing score on the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE)

the ECFVG will consider Step 3 complete only on receipt of a score report from VIVA.

Step 4 Clinical Proficiency Examination

Please note that as of July 1, 2007, only the CPE will meet the requirements for assessment of hands-on clinical skills.

CPE format—The CPE is a 3.5-day, 7-section, hands-on clinical skills examination, administered by the faculty of a college of veterinary medicine or other authorized testing institution. The skill level expected for a passing grade on each of the 7 sections of the CPE is that of an entry-level graduate of an accredited veterinary college. Only well-prepared candidates will be able to pass the CPE.

The 7 sections of the CPE include: anesthesia, clinical and anatomic pathology, equine practice, food animal practice, small animal practice, radiology, and surgery.

The CPE Manual of Administration whats this?

The full CPE fee is $5,000 for ECFVG candidates initially registered in the certification program on and after January 1, 2006 and who have paid a one-time ECFVG QAP on program registration.

太難了吧 .... Since the inception of the current certification program (January 1, 1973) through December 31, 2004, the ECFVG has awarded 3,034 certificates

三十年才有 3034人....真恐怖....

