Recently i read a interesting saying about good doctors and bad, Dr. WB Morrison adopted from Dr. Fuller Albright, in the perface of Dr. Morrison's book "Cancer in Dogs and Cat" Which is definitely a bible for all veterinary oncologist
" One cannot possibly practice good medicine and not understanding the foundamentals underlying therapy"
"There are those who advocate medical schools who turn out practical physicians rather than theorist. But they end by turning out a poorer grade of doctor."
I thinked a lot. Veterinarians in taiwan relies too much in there own "experiences" which are, probably no, or few, scientific theory based medicine. Or i should say "Evidence based medicine", A concept which has already been widely accepted in human medicine, but not in Veterinary medicine, espeicially in taiwan.
We are heading into a very dangerous situation since most veterinarians refuse to do any change when the overwhelmed evidence showing what they have been doing for decades are wrong. This really makes me worry.