星期三, 11月 28, 2007



body building

As for training frequency, you probably want to consolidate your weight training to a few days so that you have a clearer schedule for the cardio. For example, a 3 days-a-week routine could look like this:

Monday: Back, Biceps, Forearms

Exercise Sets Reps
Chins (weighted, if you can do >12 reps) 2 Unlim
Deadlifts 2 6-8
Dumbbell rows 2 6-8
Dumbbell shrugs 2 6-8
Barbell bicep curls 2 6-8
Seated dumbbell hammer curls 2 6-8
Reverse barbell bicep curls 2 8-10
Forearm curls 2 10-12

Click here for a printable log of Monday.

Wednesday: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps
Incline dumbbell chest presses 2 6-8
Standing military presses 2 6-8
Push-ups 2 Unlim
Dips (weighted, if you can do >12 reps) 2 Unlim
Skullcrushers 2 6-8
Tricep push-downs 2 6-8
Standing dumbbell lateral raises 2 10-12
Bent-over dumbbell lateral raises 2 10-12

Click here for a printable log of Wednesday.

Friday: Legs, Abs

Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 2 6-8
Leg presses 2 6-8
Seated hamstring curls 2 6-8
Stiff-legged deadlifts 2 10-12
Standing calf presses 2 6-8
Donkey calf presses 2 6-8
Crunches 2 Unlim
Side crunches 2 Unlim

Click here for a printable log of Friday.

As you can see, the main focus is meat-and-potato exercises for core strength. This is not the time for fine-tuning or experimenting with the latest isolation machine.

One common mistake people make is doing hundreds of crunches, side-bends, knee-raises and every other conceivable ab-exercise when trying to burn off the last fat. As many have pointed out before me, this will NOT help you burn off the fat in any way, shape or form. Period.

Having said that, it remains important to keep your abs strong and in shape. Not only do they stabilize your entire body and protect your back when doing heavy lifts, they look good once you have dieted away the half-inch of lard covering them.

